Some pseudocatalase treatment results

Hi All,

Keep hope!

Once I was watching Lee Thomas' (the anchor that suffers vit) interview and he said that the worst thing he heard about this disease was from a Doctor, who told him his vitiligo had no cure. He expected a little bit of compassion. If you see him today, you don't believe how he could re-pigment like that. He advocates pseudocatalase and Dead Sea treatments. That Doctor's statement hurt him deeply inside.

See the results.  The second picture is not updated.  He is even better...

Please also go to and see Guru's case. Similar to Lee Thomas'.
If these guys were not so hopeful... If they had thrown the towel... They wouldn't have achieved the amazing result.

It's not a cure. It's just a current available treatment fully described at and .
If you read the following post in your pacing (no rush), when I finish posting the 12th document you will understand why * cure is really coming * !

So, be hopeful!

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