Maybe we can use this thread to determine how likely thyroid issues affect our Vitiligo.

Post TSH numbers as best you know them, severity of Vitiligo, and any anomalies and known family with thyroid issues.

Searching for answers!

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  • Thanks Jim!

  • Hi Tom,

    Approximately 5 months after a diagnosis of hypothyroidism(TSH = 16), I began to develop vitiligo(8 years ago now). I do believe a number of folks with hypothyroidism also have vitiligo. There does indeed appear to be an association. However, the association between vitiligo and thyroid issues alone, in my own opinion, is only superficial. It seems that autoimmune disease is a result of some sort of  metabolic breakdown. In other words, the association(I believe) is much deeper. Metabolic processes are controlled by the central nervous system(brain).

    Generally, the brain relies on glucose for fuel. Once the brain becomes completely dependent on glucose for fuel, it sort of forgets there are other sources of fuel. Using a very slow and gentle approach in order to improve metabolic efficiency; an increase in fatty acids(refer to the aerobic portion of the citric acid cycle), a slight decrease in sugary foods; an increase in probiotic type foods; plenty of natural sunlight or UVB; and natural sea salt(containing the necessary minerals for liver function). 

    The name of the game is to balance the glucose spikes and decrease the insulin response. Homeostasis is key. This approach, will lead to improved health. And may lead, to an improvement in vitiligo. Of course, there are no guarantees, but it is a win-win with no downside if done carefully and thoughtfully.

  • Thanks Anahi!  Sounds like you have thyroid nodules, too.  A common denominator so far.  Let's see how many others here have that.

    I'll note the D3 and will be sure to take it!

    Big hug in return.  It's tough going for us at times, but together we all can gather info and help one another.

    Congratulations for persevering with your own help and diags.  I believe stress and thyroid have a lot to do with our condition.

    • yes indeed is tom ! we have to share and  also experiment..... new things.....  the last things people did were harmfull i believe....  now i started taking d3... and Tricomax ( 4 alopecia )

      lets make friends and keep intouch!

      have a great week !!!!!!!!

      • I'm surprised we haven't had more of a response to this thread.  I believe many connect the thyroid to this problem.

        Have a good week, as well.


  • i have some nodulo hipoecoic , 9 mm long, the levels are fine!( tsh, t3, t4 ) now i realize to study suprarenals instead, cortisol, insulin resistance ( HOMA STUDYES),   also , ( ALL BY MY SELF NO DOCTOR IS THIS RESEARCH) im buying a product for alopecia here in southamerika ( just vitamins and cistein , and minerls :  Tricomax ) is free from recipe so i can buy it, i will take it this whole summer( december januery and march), and will tell the results of my lab studies the dicember 8.....    IM finding info about copper needs, tirosine issues, maybe some bad connection between hipotalam and suprarenal functions,,)  but..... in march 2016 i will have another Thyroid scann to see if the nodul( dont know the name in english ) is growing or if its a little rock interfering in the core of it

  • Tom M.: 

    TSH 4.430 ulU/ML

    Free T4 by Dialysis/Mass Spec 1.02 ng/dL

    I have a thyroid nodule.

    My father, his sister and my sister all are on Synthroid.  Father has Vitiligo severely on hands, arms and legs.

    I have it on hands, a very large spot at arm pit, with hair mostly all white now where Vitiligo is.  Elsewhere my hair is sandy blonde and not graying at all at age 55.

    Vitiligo is starting around my mouth, at the corners and under my bottom lip.  It is progressing.

    I have a fair amount of stress in my life, but no more than the average person in this day and age.

    I experienced Atrial Fibriliation two years ago and have had cardiac ablation.

    I am blood type O Neg, CMV Neg, and have given a LOT of blood and platelet donations.  With the platelet donations, you receive a lot of anti-coagulant during the process.

    Blonde hair, blue eyes.  Caucasian.  Vegetarian - pesco, lacto, (fish and cheese) lately, but strict Vegan including no oil for about 2 years.  Total vegetarianism:  18 years. 

    • Hi , im not a doctor, so i dont know weather the leveles are right or wrong of that T4.

      I just posted that here the endocrins say my Tyroid even thoug it has a nodule they find levels right.... the stress!!! is the point!!! i think suprarenal has more to do with vitiligo, i bite my nails, eat my chins inside , im really anxious all the time!.... im 40 , so now i experience perimenopause, im sometimes bad tempered!....

      so i went to docs to make them study my suprarenal functions.... ( Argentina sucks! they see me smiling so they think i am not sick, so i force them to do the test)... insuline resistance Cortisol aldosterone... HOMA , all connections between suprarenal and pancreatic ( tirosine makes melanocits so maybe also is some bad communications between these 2)

      im not a doc, but i will find out one day, or i will die tottally white but trying!

      the point here is to take copper, oligoelements, eat D3 pleasse  since you are veggie you cant get any from your diet and is supper necesary 4 us!!!!    big hugh!

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