



Palm Desert, CA


April 26


Palm Desert, Ca.

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About Me:

Basically, I am here to meet others who have this condition in common with me. Those who not only exhibit the outer manifestation of this disease but also live with its daily influence on our emotional, mental and spiritual life journey. If you are a parent of a child, a sibling, or a child of a person with Vitiligo. Let me be the first to tell you that there is a person within that skin in more emotional pain than you can imagine. With questions about his/herself which they don't know how to articulate. With emotions too, powerful for words and mental processes that are not understood, and very difficult to explain. Amidst, this chaos, is a lovable creature who feels life profoundly and is impacted by it in the same way that light skin persons are sunburned by prolong exposure to the sun. My own term for this is "Soul Burn": "internal exposure to insensitive cultures that place a higher value on physical appearance than on inner beauty." In a few words this is why I am here. Aaron Huerta

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  • Yes, Aaron, even riding in a car with the sun shining reminds every one how limited my participation in life can be.

  • True and inspiring words.  We have to heal ourselfs.

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