

Chicago, IL


October 22



Relationship Status:

In a Relationship

About Me:

It's been one year now. Tried the photo therapy; didn't work. Am trying ProTopic now of which my insurance won't cover and it's quite expensive. Been using for about one month. Also diagnosed w/low thyroid about the same time. My hands had been having a reaction to jewelry and plastic when in China for about 2 years previous. Doctors don't see a connection, but I do.

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  • Hello Desiree,

    Thank you for adding me as a friend. I would say the medium or tan would be good shades for you. If you go the www.vitiliglow.co.uk and look under gallery you can see some before and after pictures.

    It'll give you information about the spray - its an all in one product, no need for a primer or fixing powder and is quick and easy to use every day.

    I hope this is of some help to you - polly x
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