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About Me:

I was diagnosed at 4-5 years old and my parents were told at that time there was nothing that could be done about it. They were also told not to worry that it wouldn't affect my health. It was first noticeable on my eyelids. In class pictures people used to comment that they thought it was cute that I wore eyeshadow in my kindergarten photos. My eyelids repigmented themselves and depigmented themselves several times throughout my childhood. As a child, my vitiligo was most noticeable on the folds of my skin (neck, underarms, groin) and on my legs, ankles and feet. When I was little I wore primarily dresses but at nine years old, I stopped wearing dresses because I was being teased a lot about the spots on my legs. My vitiligo spread very gradually in my childhood but soon after starting college, my body started rapidly depigmenting. I was most devastated when it spread to my face, I covered up with makeup for about two years but stopped when it became too cumbersome as it spread further. By the time I graduated from college, I was at least 70% depigmented. Less than three years after graduating from college, I was diagnosed with Graves Disease. As the Graves Disease attacked my body, my body depigmented itself rapidly. I am now 99.9% depigmented, with the exception of three spots of my natural pigment (one on each side of my neck and the third on my left cheek.)

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  • Hi

    Happy New Year !!!! Hope all is well. Haven't been on to often lately. Just wanted to touch base. keep in touch.

  • Hey lady,

    Im going to be in Dove DE so I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!
  • Thank you !!! Enjoy the week-end !!!
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