



Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh


September 13



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  • Hi Saurabh,

    How are you? We talked more or less two weeks ago about Xenca boost pills, but I still knew if I would start or not with this treatment. Now I can tell you that at the moment I am not going to start. In my holidays I have though about our vitiligo and I have been thinking about different treatments. And at least I have decided start with paleo diet. I don't know if it will give me good results, because, also, I have a lot of patches, but I want to try. If you want I can tell you about my treatment and my evolution. If in 3-4 months I see that it isn't any good results or any repigmentation I will leave the diet.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Saurabh!

    I'm glad to be your friend :-)

    About the question I still haven't tried with these pills. I am interesting on them and surely I will try them, but maybe now I am a little be tired, due to I have tried different treatments or methods and none of them result for me. Anyway, now I am on holidays, but when I return and I decide if start or no with the pills I will tell you for my decision.

    Regarding to the prices and any deal, I can't help you. I don't know nothing about it. I'm sorry.

    So, like I've said you, when I return for my holidays and I decide something about the treatment I will write you and tell you about it.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Saurabh,

    I have seen that you send me a message with a question, but I can't see all the question. Could you send me the question again? I see that this question is regarding to Xenca boost and five a day supplements, and I am interesting on them too.



  • Thanks - I am thrilled with the results, as you can imagine. That's why I just had to put my story out there to let others know that there are ways we can help ourselves even though there is no definitive cure yet.  If you do decide to use the same supplements, feel free to email me if you have any questions - you can do it via the vitpro.com site or direct on info@.  Good luck!

  • Hi, good to meet you :)

  • Hello and welcome!!!! Glad you joined our group!!!!

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