



Austin, TX


January 1


Austin, Tx

Relationship Status:


About Me:

I have an outgoing personality. I don't let this affect me, but I am reluctant to get in a romantic relationship. My last encounter showed me that people can be uncomfortable with you being around their friends and family. But I just recently got a new job, and the interviewer was more interested in my skills than my appearance. I found that people respond more to my attitude than to my appearance So i don't make an issue of it. I am very confident in my abilities, sincere in my actions with others, understanding of those who do feel uncomfortble because I respect their choice. If that is the only fault they can find in me than that's fine. Nobody's perfect. I am good at being me and I will not let anybody dictate how I define myself. This is who I am and every action I take is because that's what I am not to solicit sympathy . LIfe is in my hands.

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  • Hello dear friend, how are you?

  • Thank you for reaching out to me. I was really feeling lonley!!! I came here for support and make friends and no one responded. Thank  you sooo much!!!!!!

  • Our 2013 vitiligo conference is gearing up to be an amazing time together. Here from some of our FB friends as guest speakers: Cawanda, Hunnee Pat and more. We are excited about our friends that we have made on FB and on this network who will be joining us from Houston, Dallas, N and S Carolina's, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New York and more..... For more details and to check out our latest VIDEO:   www.vitfriends.com

  • Hi Verdis, wondering how the vitamins and antioxidants are working for you?  Please keep us posted!

    Hope you are doing well!

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY Verdis and many more.
  • Glad to hear from you on Monday.  I was having a bad start to morning!!  It all worked out by the end of the day.  Hope all is well.  Thanks

  • Hey my friend!!  How are you?
  • Thank you Verdis for your encouraging words. I try to tell myself the exact same thing on a regular basis but sadly, the world won't always allow me to believe that about myself. As impossible as it seems to me right now, I still hold on to the belief that I will one day learn how to look at life with a positive attitude. Thank you again for your words of encouragement.
  • Hello Verdis, any results from treatment yet?
  • In case you are in town...We will have a Houston meet-up at Starbucks near the Galleria this Saturday at 4pm, hope you can join us!  Email me if you have any questions.
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