
  • That was uplifting.
  • I am drinking water every morning after curing of 8 hours in copper Bottle. 

  • Hi!

    I've found looking at new spots or enlargening areas in the same way I watch clouds and try to see shapes/images; particularly special. When I was much younger, I had certain spots I was fond of because they resembled something. As I've become older, I'm trying to work on my mindset to embrace and accept myself as I am.

    Perhaps our ever-changing appearances is a testament of the constant changes in everyone's lives. Every day, we have the opportunity to effect change; whether it's big or small. We're always evolving as human beings- I hope for the better!

    Best wishes with your journey.

    Ish xXx

    • Ish,

      Are you still trying to depigment?  If you haven't depigmented by now, something is very, very wrong with your treatment.  



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