



Garden City, KS



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About Me:

I have had vitiligo for about 20 years and recently within the last 3 0r 4 years it has rapidly spread. I am very self concious. Please let me know how you deal with vitiligo.

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  • My friend this is only the outer surface, it's who you are from the inside that matters! People are only afraid of what they don't know!! Show your beauty! Please don't let this keep you down from living o wearing what you want!! You only live once~ live it to the best of your ability
  • Hello,
    I did not use special lights. Going to light therapy at the time didn't work with my schedule and I didn't feel it was necesssary to be special lamps because it is relatively sunny where I live. There has been a lot in the news lately about our need for a little bit of sunlight daily. I was thankful that the sun did the trick for me. If for some reason, there is no light in your area and you do get the lamp, please let us all know how it works for you. There are many paths and choices that will lead you to restored pigmentation. Keep us posted on yours! I do sometimes cover areas that I do not wish to overexpose. I have done this by cutting holes in washclothes, etc. For the most part, I allowed myself to get plenty of sun both on my skin and into my eyes by being outdoors. I hope this helps you.
  • hope ur doin ok
  • Thank you for your kinds words! I was really thankful to get to talk to Lee and to be a part of the call. There is hope! I'm glad you realize that! I'm glad you are a part of Vitiligo friends now!
  • I know. I've had this junk for nearly 10 years now and should be used to the reactions. It's sad because I catch myself hiding my hands in my pocket or folding them so that no one will notice. I went to New Orleans 4th of July weekend and had the worst time ever! People seemed like they had never seen anything like it. A dark skinnned-African American with white hands! I know it takes people by surprise but they were just ridiculous.
  • i only feel like this when no one iz home... cuz when they r i can go and say some random stuff to make me laugh...
  • Hello: whats up ,I"m well here in toronto, I feel good, I like me today!!!!yesterday if any one talked to me i would have rip off their heads"trying to quit smoking".....so much anger......need a smoke man. ?I'm glad you emailed me,will you do it again huh...... please:).lol Its cold here today,the leavesare changing colour??????"canadian way to spell it) WE will talk again soon bye for now...... Domenic
  • Hi how are you ......well sometimes it does, im single and when i want to meet a women my success rate is low,But you know i don't care any more what i look like because of vit,I was a down to earth person before vit and im still the same with it. its just skin colour,black,white,red blue,orange??? .As a Canadian we have many skin colours up here,to me its normal,I hope it will not get you down as long as you have someone who loves you, you'll be ok!!!.....domenic.....eh!
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