





July 18



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About Me:

My son (aged 6) has vitiligo. He was diagnosed with vitiligo when he was 5 years old. The first spots arrived when he was 4 years old. Initially our doctor thought the spots were some kind of 'fungis' (is it the correct english word?). No one in our family has vitiligo. My son now has several spots on torso, legs, feet and neck. He thinks he looks like a leopard and loves his spots at this moment. But at the same time he would like to have some friends with spots like him. In Denmark there's not much help/information from the doctors. That's why I think this website is fantastic... Have a nice day everyone...

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  • Hello Dorthe, I'm happy to hear you're taking a very proactive approach to your sons vitiligo. When I was younger there was not any information about vitiligo out there for my parents. I think they took the approach that there is nothing wrong with my skin. I feel that their attitude helped me along the way, If people are concerned about how to cure something, and find ways to improve it then they are admitting something is wrong and should be fixed. Since vitiligo is purely cosmetic and doesn't threaten ours lives we should be deal with what we have in stride. There are a lot of people out there with worse conditions, I count myself lucky. You may find that your son one day will turn into a very confident, loving and accepting person. I know that vtilitgo has made me very aware of peoples shallow and superficial nature. So in my eyes vitlitgo has made me a better person, I hope that you can encourage your son and he still continues to love his vit. your support with him will help shape his attitude of the world and himself :D

    I hope you can find the strength over the years, take care.
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