

Mason, OH

About Me:

My 5 year old daughter has vitiligo and as it spreads the more I am online researching. She is on treatment but it is not working. I am looking for support, information, treatment success stories....

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  • Yes, I'm not on very often either.  I am SO discouraged that the steroid creams are NOT preventing the vitiligo from spreading!  We've used them for a year now, but I am concerned about of the side effects listed ~ namely LYMPHOMA!  Maybe we could get together sometime so the girls could meet...Celeste does NOT know anyone else with vitiligo and the support would be good for her as she is fast approaching her TEEN years...

  • We just found out that she has Vitiligo earlier this month.  Our healthcare provider had told us it was pityriasis alba but I wasn't convinced and took her to a dermatologist where we got the Vitiligo diagnosis.  :(  Zoey's got spots on her eyelids and extending beyond the outside of her eyes a bit on either side.  She has a small patch on the bridge of her nose and some tiny spots on her hips and back.  Towards the end of the school year this year she was getting asked by kids what those spots were and was getting upset about it.  This summer it hasn't bothered her so much  I think perhaps just because there aren't kids here every day seeing her and asking about it.  I'm trying to stay as low key as I can about it but I just worry for her.  Have you talked to teachers at all about it?  Or her school mates?  I was wondering if I should do that next year for her or not. 
  • Hi Tracey, I was reading some of  your posts and they struck a chord with me as  I have a 7 year old little girl (just turned this week) who was diagnosed with Vitiligo.  She too has some of her eyebrow turning white.  I just joined here and am learning lots.  Just wanted to say hi!
  • Thanks so much for the welcome!  Your posts really seemed to hit me as you seem as stressed out as I do!!  I just wish there was more that we could do!  Hope your little girl is truly repigmenting around her eye!!  Good luck!
  • i am a mess! hopefully this will help!
    thanks (:
  • Tracey, my daughter will be six in November and a few months ago I saw that a few of her eyelashes turned gray. I'm right there with you on how you feel about this. It is so hard to deal with. It's out of our control. I just totally put my trust in God that he has his hand upon her and has a perfect will for her life. It's so good to see other mom's on here for support.
  • thank you for sharing your story. My name is Tammy. My 16yr old daughter has vitiligo. She got it when she was about 6ish. She has it 75-80% of her body now. She hasn't wanted to do any kind of treatment. When we first found out she had it we tried every kind of cream/ointment. Nothing worked she said she didn't want to do anything anymore. I'm so thankful we found this website. She will now have others to talk to and so will I. She has been blessed by no one making fun of her at school. Most of the kids watched it spread thru out the years. She does get asked what is wrong and she just lets them know. She is a beautiful, strong young lady. There is another website we have found. they have conferences every year. They try real hard to raise awareness and pay for research. We went last year to see what it was about. They just did a greek march parade in New York and they have been talking with the Dr.Oz show. They also make calendars every year of kids with vitiligo. My daugter was in this years. www.AVRF.org. Take care
  • Have you heard of a Dermatologist by the name of Dr. Pearl Grimes? She's suppose to be one of the specialist in Vitiligo. I went through one of her treatments, but her price is too expensive. Also Universal Care, and Blue Cross didn't cover my medical bills. They stated that the treatment is classified as cosmetics. I had a study pigment growth, but once I stopped the treatment my spots just returned back to what it once was.
  • Hi Tracey! Just wondering how you girls are doing? We are developing more spots :/ Treatment not really working. She has another doc appt later thi month so I guess we will see what they say.. I am wanting to ask about the light therapy so we will see..... Anyways, just wanted to check in on you girls! :)
  • Thanks for your support!
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